Efforts in democratizing Real Estate includes enabling those who want to act as internet real estate professional! This massive overhaul to the RealT Affiliate Program makes this possible.

Affiliate Program 2.0

Improved management tools, analytics, and URL customizations are now available. Lifetime customers is enabled! Now, earning a referral customer generates affiliate rewards for all future purchases.

Digital Real Estate Professionals

The cryptocurrency revolution has turned assets Digital. Specifically, Ethereum is an internet settlement network for Digital Assets. RealT is the first company to use Ethereum for the digital management of real world real estate investments. This new frontier offers new opportunities for those who are looking for internet-based work!

The RealT Affiliate Program is designed to offer new opportunities for those who are interested in becoming digital real estate professionals.

Many RealT customers are already RealT affiliates! RealT affiliates receive 2% cash-back for every client they refer to the RealT website, and creates new opportunities to generate income using the internet!

Affiliate Program 2.0

Our Dev-Team has been hard at work doing a complete overhaul of the RealT affiliate system. What we are calling “Affiliate Program 2.0” is now live!

Below are screenshots and descriptions of the various features and tools affiliates will find in the Affiliate 2.0 system, to enable their endeavors to be internet-based real estate professional.

Custom URLs

Affiliates are now able to generate custom affiliate links to specific pages on RealT.

What is a ‘custom slug’? A slug is similar to a user name. This is a custom referral name for your affiliate account. This is useful for those that want to use an alternative URL that is different from their username.

Referral URL Generator: This is for generating a referral link that directs to a specific page on RealT. This is useful for Affiliates that want to link to a blog post on the RealT website, and capture the visitors if they make a purchase.

The Referral URL Generator also enables Affiliates to generate a URL that is specific to an individual campaign. More on this below.


The Statistics page is where affiliates can review the metrics that help support their efforts as an affiliate. This includes information such as

  • Unpaid Earnings
  • Previously Paid Earnings
  • Conversion Rates

Affiliates can organize by different campaign, if they are interested in segregating and categorizing their efforts as an Affiliate.

Referral History

It’s important for Affiliates to know where their efforts are succeeding; the referral history enables this. In addition to giving positive feedback to Affiliates, the referral history allows Affiliates to have better insights to their customers’ behavior.

Lifetime Customers

The #1 feature request we’ve received is the ability to earn commission from a referral’s subsequent purchases. The Affiliate 2.0 system enables lifetime customers that are permanently associated to an Affiliate’s account. After a customer’s initial purchase, they no longer need to use your Affiliate link to earn you the 2% commission when they buy (so long as there has been a purchase within the last 12 months).

Direct Links

For Affiliates that have their own website, you can now register that website domain as an affiliate link. This removes the need for affiliate links in general; all direct traffic from a registered website is automatically linked to your Affiliate account.

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