Episode 5: The bank of the future thanks to DEFI: The triptych Mt Pelerin X Jarvis X Request
Vous pouvez retrouver la version française de cet article en cliquant ici. This article is the second part of our content that explains How Security Tokens Bring Fair Distribution of Value. This triptych has benefits for both parties. As you can see, for RealT, these...
How To Protect Your Investments From Fraud
Notice to the RealT community Recently, the RealT community has been targeted by some malicious people offering fake tokens that are of no value, who may have created false profiles or disguised themselves as RealT support staff asking for personal information. They...
WARNING! Fake RealTokens being offered on swap.cat
In English As of November 6, 2021 there were one or more malicious actors creating fake RealT tokens for sale on swap.cat (and they could potentially be for sale elsewhere). We ask that our members be extremely careful with token purchases outside the Realt.co...
How Blockchain Real Estate Differs from Traditional Real Estate Investing
The next opportunity to diversify your investment portfolio through fractional ownership in real estate.