Sep 29, 2022 | About RealT, Fractional Investments, Real Estate Tokenization, RealT Academy
Construir sua Renda Passiva com Imóveis na Blockchain O Mercado Imobiliário, que sempre foi um setor conhecido por ser relutante a inovações, segue em constante evolução tecnológica! Tokenização é a criação de ativos digitais que representam outros ativos, sejam...Sep 11, 2022 | About RealT, Collateralization, Fractional Investments, Real Estate, Real Estate Tokenization, RealT Academy
RealT In Review Vous pouvez retrouver le version française de cet article en cliquant ici. RealT was launched in 2019 with the promise of making real estate accessible for only $50. Three years later, our over $52 million in tokenized real estate assets show that...Sep 11, 2022 | About RealT, Blockchain Technology, Collateralization, Fractional Investments, Real Estate Tokenization, RealT Academy
Avis RealT You can find this article in English by clicking here. RealT a été lancé en 2019 avec la promesse de rendre accessible l’immobilier à partir de 50$. Trois ans après, c’est plus de 52 millions de dollars d’actifs immobiliers tokénisés permettant à chacun de...Jun 30, 2022 | About RealT, Fractional Investments, Real Estate Tokenization
You can find this article in English by clicking here. Depuis 2019, RealT a pour vision de révolutionner le marché de l’immobilier et d’être un acteur majeur dans la construction de la finance du future. Ce cas d’utilisation de la blockchain dans...Jun 29, 2022 | About RealT, Fractional Investments, Real Estate Tokenization
(Vous pouvez retrouver la version française de cet article en cliquant ici. As of 2019, RealT’s vision is to revolutionize the real estate market and be a major player in building the finance of the future. This real estate blockchain use case is simple: Let...Jul 14, 2020 | Fractional Investments
What if I Owned One Token of Every RealT Property? RealT has recently passed $2,000,000 in Real Estate tokenized on Ethereum! In light of this milestone, we would like to share a summary of the aggregate RealT portfolio. RealT offers highly curated properties that...RealT has sold 660 other properties to investors around the world!
For more information about these properties, please contact us via chat in the lower right corner of your screen, or email us at
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