What is a stablecoin and how does it work?

A stablecoin is a cryptocurrency (crypto-active) backed by a fiduciary currency with a parity of 1 to 1. In other words, a stable coin will always have the same value as the real currency on which it is backed. It is the digital version of the dollar or the euro, for...

Rent Transition Conversation, continued

Earlier this week, we published a blog post summarizing the major changes to the new rent payment system that are coming. You can review that blog post here. This piece was meant to inform the RealT community about the changes to the rent payment system and how they...

One of Everything, Please!

What if I Owned One Token of Every RealT Property? RealT has recently passed $2,000,000 in Real Estate tokenized on Ethereum! In light of this milestone, we would like to share a summary of the aggregate RealT portfolio. RealT offers highly curated properties that...

PayPal Axed Us

During the 2nd week of April, RealT customers began reporting that PayPal was declining their debit card transactions when attempting to purchase tokens on the RealT site. While some users were still able to pay with their PayPal balance, others reported that all...
The Progress of Tokenized Real Estate

The Progress of Tokenized Real Estate

RealT is one year old! We take a look at the progress and milestones we have made, as well as give a roadmap of what to expect from the future! The Tl;Dr The quick summary of RealT so far: 1 Year Old 7 different properties tokenized in ERC20 tokens $1.6M in total...
RealT Affiliate Program 2.0

RealT Affiliate Program 2.0

Efforts in democratizing Real Estate includes enabling those who want to act as internet real estate professional! This massive overhaul to the RealT Affiliate Program makes this possible. Affiliate Program 2.0 Improved management tools, analytics, and URL...
Breaking Records Via Tokenization

Breaking Records Via Tokenization

Breaking Records Via Tokenization RealT is constantly reducing purchase-to-settlement time. We’ve gotten it so low, that we’re breaking world records for property transfer times. And we’re not even done. The benefits of ‘tokenization’ have largely just been theorized....

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    RealT has sold 519 other properties to investors around the world!

    For more information about these properties, please contact us via chat in the lower right corner of your screen, or email us at [email protected].