Fractional and frictionless real estate investing

Ownership Reinvented

For the first time, investors around the globe can buy into the US real estate market through fully-compliant, fractional, tokenized ownership. Powered by blockchain.

DeFi Integrated

Discover the Power of the RealT RMM Platform

Leverage your assets like never before with the power of Decentralized Finance on the blockchain.

The RealT RMM collateralization platform lets you supercharge your tokenized real estate portfolio.

>> Powered by AAVE <<

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We appreciate your understanding as we continue to redefine real estate investing around the globe.

Real estate is still the best investment you can make.

But you don’t have to take our word for it.

According to these nine Advisors in The Oracles, who made millions by investing in real estate, it’s still the best way to build wealth. Read more at >

Permissionless, compliant, and first-of-its-kind

RealToken provides investors with a simple, intelligent, and user-friendly method to buy into fractional, tokenized properties, leveraging the U.S. legal system and the permissionless, unrestricted token issuance of Ethereum.

Investing with RealT means low maintenance property ownership, access to cash flows related to the property (e.g., rent), and frictionless ownership transactions via RealTokens.

Grow a global, digital real estate portfolio

Unique Tokens

Ownership of each property is distributed across a finite number of representative tokens. Based on token share, owners can collect revenue from rent, and vote on property decisions.

Property Managed

Each RealT property has a property management company managing the property on RealToken owners behalf. The property management company sources tenants, collects rent, and manages repairs, so the diverse group of RealToken owners don’t have to.


Real estate can’t directly be tokenized, but legal entities can. Each property is owned by company (either an Inc or an LLC). Each company is tokenized as a unique set of RealTokens and made available for purchase.

Weekly Rent Payments

With blockchains, we no longer need to wait 30 days to receive a bank transfer. Owning property with RealT allows you to collect rent every week. Rent is paid using a US-Dollar stablecoin, sent to your Gnosis Chain or Ethereum wallet.

Rent payments are automatically sent to investors

Who’s talking about RealT?

Tokenizing Real Estate

The future of real estate investing is fractional

Tokenizing real estate has become the focus of many institutions in 2018, and is likely to continue into the future as Ethereum offers a way to add improved levels of liquidity (tokens) to a notoriously illiquid industry (real estate).

Fractional ownership democratizes access to real estate investment, and therefore distributes and minimizes the risks and labor involved with owning property.  And RealToken makes it even simpler!

Learn more about RealT

Episode 3 — 15% drop in Detroit: Opportunity or threat?

15% drop in Detroit: Opportunity or threat? Vous pouvez retrouver le version française de cet article en cliquant ici. For some time now, it has been possible to find articles or tweets indicating that real estate has dropped in the Rust Belt area, where RealT has...

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Épisode 2 : La genèse de RealT

Épisode 2 : La genèse de RealT You can find this article in English by clicking here. Comme expliqué dans l’épisode 1, avec RealT, Jean Marc et Remy avaient pour vision de créer quelque chose de plus grand que leur succès précédent. Le modèle économique permet...

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Episode 2: Genesis of RealT

Episode 2: The Genesis of RealT Vous pouvez retrouver la version français de cet article en cliquant ici. As explained in episode 1, with RealT, Jean-Marc and Remy had a vision to create something bigger than their previous successes. The RealT business model allows...

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    For more information about these properties, please contact us via chat in the lower right corner of your screen, or email us at [email protected].